Hair Care Home Remedies to Make Your Hair Healthy

Taking good care of your hair is much essential since hair damaging and hair fall has gained strength. You can make your hair healthy and beautiful with good shine even without visiting any salons and paying for expensive treatments, etc. There are a number of hair care home remedies are found in our kitchen, which can give you brilliant results. Let’s read them. Use of Bananas Bananas carry higher level of potassium, which help in improving our health and the natural elasticity. Bananas are mashed up with fork in a bowl. Apply this mixture in your hair from the root of the hair to the tip. Leave the hair as it is for around 15 minutes and then wash them with a good shampoo. If you have dry and damaged hair, this treatment is best for you. Use of Egg Yolk Make a mixture of the yellow portion of the egg, three egg yolks, three drops of Vitamin E and one table spoon of olive oil. Apply it into your hair and leave them for ten minutes. After that, rinse the hair followed by the washing w...