The Household Spice that Destroys Cancer Cells, Helps Rebuild the Gut and Prevent Heart Attacks!

Cayenne pepper has long been used to add a hit of heat, flavor, and color to a variety of dishes. Not only cayenne pepper adds flavor to many dishes, but it is also among the most potent folk remedies for heartburn, sore throat, cuts, tonsillitis, fever, nausea, bloating, indigestion, intestinal and stomach ulcers, tremors, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, delirium, gout, and more. 6 Incredible Reasons Why You Should Use Cayenne Pepper : – Improves Digestion Cayenne pepper possesses capsaicin. It is the compound that makes cayenne hot. Capsaicin has been proven to work as an excellent digestive aid by elevating the production of saliva, enhancing gastric motility, and increasing the production of digestive enzymes. – Reduces Your Risk of Food-borne Illness The consumption of spices in countries with hot climates actually dates back thousands of years. Before the invention of the refrigerator, people used many different spices to destroy pathogens and bacteria in their food. In ad...