17 Signs That Your Body is Too Acidic and 9 Ways to Alkalize It Quickly!

Bodies which are acidic are unhealthy. An acidic environment is an unhealthy one, where yeast, bacteria and illnesses thrive. If the body is too acidic, the body extracts minerals from important organs and bones so as to neutralize the acid and eliminate it from the body. As a consequence, the mineral reserves of the body like sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium can become very low and can cause damage which can be undetected for years, till its levels become so unhealthy, causing acidosis. Foods like grains, dairy, sugar and meats are acidic forming foods. However, our bodies are constantly generating acidic waste which needs to be neutralized or eliminated. The body needs alkaline foods in order to neutralize the acids. Health problems which are caused by mild acidosis: Immune deficiency Inflamed and sensitive gums, cavities Respiratory problems, coughing, shortness of breath Stiff neck, lumbago, sciatica Chronic fatigue and low energy Yeast fungal overgrowth Heart problems, inc...